Challenge Accepted! Updated

You are amazing!!  All I can say is WOW!!”  and “Thank you!” 

So many of you were willing to make art and share it with the rest of us.  You were artistic, creative, and definitely away from the harp.  And you made such wonderful stuff!

I know some of you are away on vacation.

I know others of you were in “watch and wait” mode – you may have made something but maybe not been willing to share it.  And that’s ok – the real point of this was to make something.  The willingness to share can come later.

And I know some of you are in that place of “can’t” – that’s ok, but I think we might be having a little bit more fun over here. I hope you know there’s always room on our blanket (and there’s always an extra cookie) when you’re ready to come over here.

Here are a sample of the wonderful things people sent.  We have art made from pastels, markers, textiles, pencil, and clay!  Some of these pieces have been in the making for a bit and others were dashed off to participate – either way, all are welcome.  I hope you find this encouraging and go off to try something new!  And if you didn’t finish in time, you were full of trepidation (but now you see that really, they won’t take away your birthday!), or you just forgot but now you’re willing to share, I’m still willing to post – just send it to and we can keep this up for a while! 

New pieces added to end as they come it – thank you!



9 thoughts on “Challenge Accepted! Updated

  1. Y’all are inspiring me to step it up. I almost pulled out some art work I’d done in my 20’& 30’s. Not much since. Nice cool winter coming, Santa got me a sewing machine last Christmas, time to get her started. Love all the entries.

  2. This is really good, Jen. I rarely think about the act of being creative, but now that I do, I realize that I spend a lot of time pushing boundaries in my music and art, and in daily life. I’m always asking “why?”, “who said so?”, “how can this be more interesting?” and “what if..?” As a teacher, my aim, besides technique, is to stimulate students to question themselves musically and push their own boundaries. ( Well, the technique is sacred…) So, thanks!

    • Good point about questions – they really help us learn and grow but we are really trained to not ask. Your approach is a good model and inspires many.


  3. This was just fabulous! Thanks to everyone for sharing their creative endeavors! I have to get busy!!!

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