Not SLOW again?!

I saw it in the eyes. I thought that maybe while teaching online I wouldn’t see that look – the “oh no, she’s going to make me play it even slower – how can I play it s-l-o-w-e-r?  I can’t remember it that slow, pleasepleaseplease don’t say to play it slower.  Crap, she said it!”

I get it.  We want to play more, we want to advance, we want to achieve.  And now that most of us are at home, we are being sent subtle (and not so subtle) messages that we should be achieving great things with all this free time we have now (that’s a whole ‘nother kettle of fish – because I don’t know about you, but I seriously am working more that I was before!).

You might have heard this same thing from your teacher*.  So, what does “practice it slower” really mean?  Well there’s the obvious – just play everything at a lower tempo.  But does that really serve you?  What is it that you’re meant to learn while practicing slower?** 

Here are six things you can get from practicing slower:

  1. Get the notes.  I’m not kidding – sometimes when we feel the need for speed, we are so busy going fast that we don’t realize that we don’t actually know the notes!  You have to know what comes next – not just by momentum, but each and every note, and the relationship of each note to the notes that come before and after.  Can you start in the middle of a phrase or shape and play?  If not, perhaps you don’t know the notes as well as you think.  By slowing down and focusing on the notes – and only focusing on the notes, you will be able to learn and remember them, individually and as a group.
  2. Get the rhythm. Once you have the notes and you’re not struggling to remember what comes next each time you run through, then you can focus on the rhythm. This is actually another way the notes are related.  But since you know what comes next, you can instead focus on how long, how short, how they fit together to make the rhythm.  And you can focus on being accurate – get the snaps right, give the half notes a-l-l of their time, etc.
  3. Get the harmony. Now that you know how the tune goes, and you’re able to play it fairly strongly, you can add the harmony.  (If you’re reading, you might want to treat the LH part as a different sort of melody – working on each hand separately to get the notes and the rhythm.  If you’ve done that, at this point you’ll be that much farther ahead).  When you’re learning a tune and arranging it, it helps to first know where you’re going – what’s the chord progression you’re hoping to end with?  You really can begin to develop that with just 1 finger.  You’re playing the melody, the rhythm is good, you don’t want the whole thing to fall apart while you try desperately to remember what comes next in the harmony!  So just use one finger – if you’re going slowly (this is one of those places people speed up – after all you know the tune right?) you’ll have time to remember what the chord progression is and get one finger there – on time.  As you get the progression in your head, you can expand the harmony to bigger and more complex chords – but go there in stages.  It always seems to amaze people that going from one finger to two in a fifth is hard, but it can be, so give yourself the time – by going slowly – to get there.  Only later will you be able to comfortably move into more complex chords.  And that’s ok. (caveat – on fast tunes, things that work here were you’re going slowly may not work as well at speed (and vice versa) so keep that in mind as you develop the accompaniment…of course practicing slowly and carefully coming up to tempo will allow you to work this out)
  4. Get the feel.  Ok, no one likes wooden music.  No one.  Even Pinocchio doesn’t like wooden music.  But you can’t really get the feel in there until you actually know the music.  So, once you’ve got it together, then you can (slowly at first) add the feel – dynamics, idiom, articulation – all those are things you have to remember, so add them in slowly and learn them.
  5. Get the tempo.  Now that you actually know the music, NOW you can begin to increase the speed.  I suggest to my students that you start “stupid slow” by which I mean a tempo that will challenge you to keep it together – that is so slow you have to subdivide your subdivision (e.g. something like one-tak-ee-tak-and-tak-ah-tak) just to get through the slowness between metronome beats.  There’s a reason there’s a 40 on your good old fashion Seth Thomas!  Imagine how much better you’ll be able to think when you’re done with that!  My rule of thumb is to play it at a stupid slow tempo and then move the metronome one tick (on an mechanical metronome) or four clicks on an electronic metronome (e.g. from 40 to 44).
  6. Get the polish. This is the thing we all want to get to!  We think it’s the prize, but really, it’s the culmination…you cannot polish what you don’t really know yet.  But when you’ve worked slowly and built the tune up to tempo, you actually have something to polish.  Because let’s be honest, typically when we say we’re here, we’re typically not really polishing – we’re still fixing and learning.  But by going slowly, when you get here, you’ll actually be polishing.

Do yourself a favor and slow down! You will know your music better and you’ll be more comfortable playing it.  You will also, whether you mean to or not, learn what gives you the most trouble so the next time, you can give it the time it needs while you’re learning…by going slow. 

How Slow Can You Go? Let me know you’re great slow going experiences in the comments.

* Not everyone agrees with this approach and I am sure some may read this and clutch their pearls.  And that’s ok.  I like to see people succeed in learning and breaking the music down into small pieces and working on the parts systematically has worked really well. Probably because at each step you are only focusing on learning one thing.  It won’t work for everyone, but isn’t it worth a try to see if it will be a good fit for you?

** I am a-l-w-a-y-s telling my students to practice slower.  Heck, I am always telling myself to work slower.  Even I get tired of hearing myself say it (I do still say it, because it works).  In the time of Coronavirus, blog posts ideas are being shuffled and I found the notes for this post on a sticky note on my desk.  I can tell by the color of the sticky that I made the note months ago.  So, after I wrote the post, it occurred to me that I may be this brilliant…or I might have read something or listened to a podcast by someone else and that’s where I got the six points.  It all sounds like the sort of thing I do and teach, but if I have inadvertently stolen someone’s idea, unfortunately, I didn’t write down whose.  But, I do not intend to plagiarize – if if you recognize this – please let me know so I can attribute credit.



For good or bad, photos don’t “fit” into the comments – but I LOVE when you share them, so I’m going to start incorporating “Comments Below the Line” in posts so there’s a place for them to show.  You will have to email me the photos, but that’s ok, I’ll get them up here asap.  Thank you so much for always helping me learn more!

From Helen:

Play SLOWER stickies

Getting out of the Land of Should

I love teaching.  I learn so much from each of my students.  They all have their own strengths and challenges, but I find that there are sometimes overlaps.  This week, no less than three students have been trapped in the Land of Should – a dark and horrible place which is easy to find and sometimes hard to leave.

You might have been there. You might be there right now.  You can tell you’re there by the signs:

“I should practice more”

“I should be more motivated (even though there’s a global pandemic and nothing is as it typically is)”

“I should be able to ignore the things going on in my life and keep playing”

“I should be able to play this by now”

“I should be better than I am”

I get it.  The Land of Should can be very seductive.  And sometimes it seems like it’s the only place the bus stops.

But being trapped in the Land of Should is actually painful and not very comfortable.  After all, WHY should you (practice more, be more motivated, be more accomplished, and by extension, have a pristine home, have read all the “right” books, being wearing the right look, etc. – whatever)??

But shoulds are often unhelpful – these thoughts don’t get you any further ahead. Telling yourself you should do (or be) something doesn’t change anything or suggest useful changes.  It only sets you up to feel like you’ll never get where you’re going.  The Land of Should is like that.

One way to look at is that these thoughts are actually you bullying yourself!  You’re telling yourself you’re a disappointment.  Would you say something like that to your best friend?  I didn’t think so.

And right now, we all need a little more TLC – especially from ourselves!  Even the most stalwart and resilient among us are feeling a little peaky.  So, it’s no surprise if the pull of the Land of Should is becoming stronger.

How do you escape its terrible orbit?  Here are five ways to get out of the Land of Should:

  1. Journal.  You know I’m always exhorting you to keep a journal of your practice.  Here’s a good use for it.  First, you can document your practice time – what (objectively) did you work on, where did you leave it, where will you pick it up next time?  Secondly, you can also capture how you are feeling about the time you had (especially if you’re feeling like you have not done enough).  As always, keep your journal in any means that works for you – in a notebook, on your computer, as an oral history in your phone voice memos, as an abstract drawing – it doesn’t matter how you keep it as long as that medium works for you!
  2. Be realistic.  There’s a lot going on in the world, no matter who you are or where you live.  With the ongoing uncertainty and changing information as physicians and scientists learn more about it, it’s easy to feel like we’ll never have our feet on solid ground again.  You can use your time at the harp to help soothe your frayed nerves and the anxiety of not knowing.  Maybe this isn’t the time to double your repertoire or add those highly chromatic pieces you admire but don’t feel ready to take on.  But you do have repertoire already with which you can be fairly comfortable – play that.  Noodle!  Improvise.  Play nothing at all.  But don’t cut yourself off from your harp.  At a minimum, allow the reverberations of playing the notes impact your body.  Take some time and take some ease.  No matter your level of play, you can do this!  Are you a rank beginner, still trying to remember which finger is 2?  No worries, play a single string and let it ring while you feel the gentle vibration and hear the beautiful timbre!  Then play another. Think that’s only for beginners?  Nope – there’s a lot of soothing in a playing a single string and letting it reverb for you for as long as it likes…then play another one, etc.
  3. Reframe.  It is easy (especially in difficult times) to focus on the negative, to beat yourself up and as a result to feel bad.  Reframe your thoughts! It isn’t that you didn’t practice enough.  Rather, you made the best use of limited available time.  It isn’t that you aren’t progressing.  Rather, you currently have higher priorities requiring your time and attention.  It isn’t that you’re not motivated.  Rather you are dealing with a lot and will be back and focused soon.  But DO NOT tell yourself you’re not “good enough” because you haven’t done something.
  4. Study your history.  You haven’t always felt this way.  Think back to a time when you didn’t feel like this and understand that you have ups and downs and that’s ok.  Your truth includes being strong and resilient and sometimes it includes being a little bit fragile and that the fragility passes – and all of it is part of you!  And that’s kind of cool – because there’s interesting in there (to be found sometime when you’re transitioning from fragile to strong!).
  5. Be nice…and positive.  Be nice in general, but especially be nice to you!  And don’t torment yourself.  Instead, focus on the good (if only because it’s so easy to focus on the bad – and who wants to do easy stuff?).

If you find yourself lost in the Land of Should, perhaps one of these might help.  If something works for you, please let me know.  And if you have another way to escape – please share in the comments below.

March is National Noodle Month – I’m SO Tired!

Who knew?!  Yes, March is National Noodle Month, and with the return to Daylight Saving Time, we’ll need it!

I always warn you about the time changes.  Especially those of you that live far from the equator where you gain or lose multiple minutes of daylight each day.  The imposed time change is hard on people, and we are no exception.

But you’re in luck!  If you’re playing along with the four week composition challenge, you’ve now established noodling at every practice session.  That noodling might just help save your practicing while you adjust to the new weird daylight that isn’t happening when it is supposed to.

March is National Noodle Month...Noodling can lead to composing!Because…

  • you can noodle when you are tired. 
  • there’s no right in noodling.  And possibly more importantly
  • there is also no wrong in noodling either! 

It’s just the thing for when your brain and your hands are just not up to working together.  Or working at all.  Perhaps best of all – noodling is still playing, so it totally counts as practice!

One of the first things I learned as a fledgling harper was the pentatonic improvisation.  I typically share it with my students in their first or second lesson (they might use a different verb than share – a verb like impose or coerce!). 

If you’re not familiar with pentatonic improv, the pentatonic scale has five notes (from the Greek – penta (five) and tonic (note)).  On the piano (if you’re so inclined) the black keys make a lovely, easy to find pentatonic scale.  On the harp, set yourself to the C major scale and PLAY ONLY THE WHITE STRINGS!  This will give you a lovely pentatonic scale from which to easily work.* 

Go ahead, give it a try.  I’ll wait.

What you’ll notice about a pentatonic scale is that there’s no “ugly”.  You truly cannot make a bad noise if you stay in the scale (that is, play only the white strings).  Everything you play within the scale sounds pretty good.

Isn’t that freeing?  Now you can noodle with abandon, regardless of how tired you are, because nothing, literally NOTHING you play will sound bad!

And because nothing will sound terrible, you have no reason not to click your recorder on while you noodle.  After all, you have a delete button so if there’s nothing inspired, no loss.  And you have a record button, so if you listen later and hear amazing – you’ll be able to reconstruct those musical thoughts and build them into a composition (or just keep them as something to amuse yourself).

All that from a little noodling when you’re too tired to practice!  Give it a try – and see if having a fun, easy poke around the harp doesn’t maybe give you a little energy boost.  Maybe even enough energy to practice when you’re tired. 

Keep noodling even after you’ve adapted to the time change – it’s a great addition to your practice and it’ll get you used to collecting your thoughts!


* of course there are other pentatonic scales on the harp (or the piano) but the ones I’ve presented here are so easy that you’ll have a scale that requires no effort to find.  If you prefer something other than the G major pentatonic scale, go for it!

Putting the Ah in Ostinato

Ostinato as meditation – you know, like in Ahhhh-stinato!

One thing I love about ostinato is its origin – it is from the Italian…for obstinate!  Which is exactly what you need to be to get this very useful element locked into your head and your fingers.  An ostinato is a pattern that repeats and can be a repetition of pitch or of rhythm.  And while some people find them terrifying, there’s another way to look at them.

The fabulous Maeve Gilchrist is a wizard of ostinato (check out her book Rhythm and Hand Separation Exercises and Etudes Book 1).  She has worked hard to master all sorts of patterns and she is rock solid.  One of the things I love about her playing is the unexpected things she can weave over that bass pattern – and you the listener can just sit back and enjoy, buoyed and comforted by that underlying rock of sound.

Because ostinato is difficult time consuming to get solid, many people avoid it.  But it totally worth the time.  A real challenge though, is to first focus on the ostinato itself.  It is very easy to think you’ve got it when it’s not quite there.  And it does take a little grit and determination – because it’s like other foundational elements – it has a hard slog in the middle where you feel stuck.  But you will get there if you keep at it. 

Nope, I’m not going to tell you it’s worth the time because it’s useful or builds strong finger or hones your rhythm (although it does).

Ostinato is a great tool, once nailed down, to check out.


Yup, think of it as a meditative thing.  Once you have got the basic idea inculcated, you don’t really need to watch the pot (so to speak).  And that frees up space capacity in your brain so you can do one of a couple of other things:

  1. Just rock the ostinato and let your mind wander around.  Make it a meditation.  Really.
  2. What might be cool if you put that pattern with it?  Where would you go?  How might you get there?  This could lead to noodling and eventually to a great improv, some really useful vamp or an entirely new composition (which you could also do by looking at great art, a la last week’s post).
  3. Once you have the pattern down, you can mess around with the pattern itself – see where that leads.  You might find more cool stuff down that rabbit hole. 

Start with an easy pattern – maybe an Alberti bass or find a pattern from an technique book), jut to get the idea.  Keep working it.  Maybe think about it as you noodle on the 4 week challenge we set last week.  How might you noodle over that pattern?  Give it some time and you’ll see how it can become hypnotic – go with it.  Let it ride, find the ahhhhh and see where you end up.

And let me know where you end up in the comments below!

Why should Mary Poppins have all the fun?

Do you remember that scene in Mary Poppins where they join hands and jump into a sidewalk painting?  They become part of a new world that was wondrous and fantastic.  It was great and they were totally immersed in their art – LoL.

There is a frequently suggested exercise for composing that is the same idea.

Composition seems to come so easily to some.  Not to me.  But I do know people who seem to compose a new tune with each breath they take.  I’d hate those people if I wasn’t so enamored with them!

This disparity in apparent ease can quickly and easily become an insurmountable wall.  The barrier between us and them.  But it doesn’t have to be.  Because composition, like anything else, improves…with practice.

Jump in with both feet using art as a prompt for compositionEven if you don’t want to be a composer, you might want to give composition a try.  It’s certainly not the same as playing and simply by dabbling, you might learn a lot.

But let’s say you do want to give it a try – to make some small thing that is truly yours.  Here’s a way to go about it –

Try this exercise.  Find a piece of art that captivates you.  Any piece of art.  Could be a work by the Old Masters.  Could be a photograph or a sculpture or interpretive dance.  Or an ad on a bus stop.  The form is irrelevant – that it piques you is essential!

Now, sit at your harp.  Turn on a recorder.  Look at (or think about) the artwork and just noodle.  NOODLE – DO NOT COMPOSE!  Noodle only.  Keep your recorder going. Keep thinking about the artwork and what about it captured you.  Just keep noodling.

Any time an “I can’t” surfaces in your mind reply with, “Thank you for your input.  Don’t call us, we’ll call you.”  Then take a deep breath and jump right back in and keep noodling. 

If you’re having a hard time, set your harp to C and play only the white strings.  Think about the art.  Keep going.

Will this result in a composition?  Probably not…the first time.  But keep at it.  Make it a part of your practice time.  Set 10 minutes aside each day.  You will find that it becomes easier to do it the more you stick to it.  When the art isn’t speaking to you any longer, choose a new work.

Will this turn you into Williams or Telemann or Bach or Schumann?  Maybe not.  But it might just set you free from constraints you didn’t know you had.  For example, I did an impressive impression of Cage one day! (Cage is credited with copyrighting silence as a musical composition entitled 4′33″)

So, a challenge.  Let’s give this a try.  Choose a piece of art that inspires you.  Then for the next four weeks, follow that plan above.  At the end of four weeks (that’s 14 March) send me a picture of the art and an audio file of what you’ve come up with.  This isn’t a contest, so your work doesn’t have to be complicated or polished – or even finished.  We’re just encouraging each other to be bold and experimental and creative and open to sharing.  We will all win by trying! 

Are you in?  Shall we jump in with both feet and see what happens?  Let me know in the comments below –

Watching your nails grow – Two steps for progress

We’re already into February!  That magical time when reality has set in and all our lofty plans for betterment have been shelved.


Because, even though lots of people don’t set New Year’s Resolutions, with all the hype around the start of winter and the new year, it’s easy to think about whether one might find areas worthy of tinkering.

Not you, of course.  You’re just right as you are.  But others, certainly.

One of the reasons people feel that way (not you, of course, but others) is because they cannot perceive any changes in their ability to play.  And that is frustrating.  For them, of course, not for you.

Because these changes typically come about very slowly.  You might call them “micro-changes” (nano-changes?).  The farther you are from your first experience playing, the smaller the changes are in absolute terms.  And this might make those changes difficult to detect.

Watching your nails growWhen you first start playing, every day brings new discoveries!  Closing your fingers is an amazing activity.  Placing ahead is a magical mystery which actually does make getting the music out of the harp a little easier.  What you tried to learn yesterday is actually recognizable today!  All great victories.

But after a while, days of work may not result in a change you can observe.  You don’t remember when you started learning that tune, but you’re sure it was weeks ago (or was it yesterday?).  When did your technique take a nosedive?!?  Why is your repertoire not growing by leaps and bounds?

It’s like watching your nails grow.  You know they are growing.  But you can’t feel it.  And they sure look the same today as they did yesterday.

If you measured that growth and marked it on a chart, you would find that your nails grow about 2 hairsbreadths a day.  And yet, while you can see two hairs (in the brush, in the sink, on your sweater, whatever) you don’t see your nails growing.  But they make slow steady progress…and soon you need to cut them!

The growth is there.  Every day.  You just can’t see it.  But there is a way to get a better view and it has two steps.

Step 1.  Decide what you’re looking for.  Too often we decide we’re going to watch e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.  We’re going to perfect our technique while learning ten tunes all at once, sight read another 7 arrangements and work on our posture, finesse gesturing, while practicing 2 hours more every day.  And we’ll know – and remember – everything from today when we next sit to practice tomorrow (or the next day) so we know where to pick up again.

I get it, there’s so much work to be done!  But focusing on everything is actually focusing on nothing.  Focus, by definition, is paying attention to a narrow swath.  You are already multitasking by the nature of playing since you need to place both hands, remember the tune, keep ahead of what comes next, stay upright on the bench, breathe, etc. 

If you have a lot of things to work on – write each of them down.  Then prioritize them.  Be smart – prioritize so that the fundamentals (technique) will be ironed out first, since everything else will grow from there.  After you have finished prioritizing, for each item, write down what “done” will look like.  DO NOT WRITE “always in work”!  If your technique is terrible (!), break it down into the components that need attention and decide when you will declare victory so you can move on.  [BTW – “I’m bored” is not victory!  Being able to perform some element accurately might be your victory.]  Decide if your focus needs an action finish or a time end. 

Step 2.  Mark that!  Do what works for you – you could write in your practice journal.  You could make a progression video recording.  You could make a chart with colored stars.  It doesn’t matter how you do it, as long as it works for you – and you do it.

So, the important parts of watching your nails grow? Focus and document.

What are you going to focus on?  How will you capture it?  Share your ideas in the comments! 


PS – yes, I know the nails in the photo are horrifyingly long, but you try to paint harps on shorter nails!  And I was trying to make a point!

Clear vision for 2020

It is now 2020 – Welcome to the new year and the new decade!

Just like every new year, we are encouraged from many sides to develop resolutions – to define those things we need to “fix” to improve ourselves.

How about this – in 2020, the year of clear vision – just give it a rest.  Resolve to make no resolutions. Don’t set any goals.

After all, if the goals were important, you’d have set them right when they became clear.  If you need to work on specific things, you would have started right then – if you wanted that to become a goal!

There’s nothing special about short cold days for achieving anything.  Up to 91% of people who set resolutions drop them, most before the middle of January!  So, setting resolutions is really not a useful thing to do, unless you like to set yourself up for failure and to give yourself a specific thing to beat yourself up about not accomplishing.

New Year 2020Then what should you do? How about you take on just these four things:

  1. Just Stop. New Year’s resolutions really seem to be about false notions of self-improvement and possibly about self-aggrandizing virtue signaling. And really, unless you made a significant wager with someone, no one else really cares if you make it, so stop pillorying yourself about having resolutions, goals, visions, whatever.  Use that energy to – just play!
  2. Be Nice. Be kind to yourself – if you’re not where you want to be, you probably not only know it, but you likely also know how to get across that gap.  You might just not be ready to spend that energy. And if you are not sure how to get there, work with your teacher (or me!) and keep reading (because you know that here, we’ll talk about ways to improve!).
  3. Take a smarter path. The path forward that begins by recognizing the reality of your life will be a smarter path. And possibly there’s more to your life than playing the harp – like family, friends, day jobs, other hobbies, other instruments, and myriad other things you prioritize ahead of the harp (otherwise, you’d have more time to practice).  By examining your real life – and using that as the foundation of your thinking about your playing – you will be more likely to be able to find the time to practice and to better fit your harp playing into your reality!  Your life is a system and it needs to be kept in balance so that you can accomplish the requirements of each of its parts.  That balance starts by understanding where all the pieces lie.
  4. Practice! You know it will all come down to this – but you need a wider definition – you have to practice:
    • Practice the instrument – probably that old saw of spending at least 30 – 90 minutes a day (depending, again, on where you’re trying to get, your level of performance and development, and your real life)
    • Practice fitting everything else in too (you know, like dinner, exercise, sleep, work, chores, etc.) (after all, 3 above will not happen by magic, it will take a little work to analyze what will fit, where it will fit and how you might have to adjust things to get it all into the day).
    • Practice having balance
    • Practice being kind to yourself
    • Practice stretching
    • Practice learning
    • Practice spending time away from your harp productively
    • Practice being present
    • Practice practicing – you can’t just sit on the bench and have magic pour out your fingers – you know you need to warm up, work on fundamentals, analyze music, think about your approach and strategy for new music, work on learning, learn new things, develop musicality, hammer out new burbles, etc.
      • Practice the tunes you love
      • Practice the tunes you don’t love
      • Practice the way you play and developing your technique
      • Practice becoming more accomplished
      • Practice sharing your music
      • Practice being better
      • Practice enjoying the process
      • Practice capturing your progress so you can see your improvement
      • and practice identifying where you need to improve and practice

It’s going to be a busy year, and you’ll do exactly as much work as you fit in (and no more).  Setting improbable or impossible goals will not help and could actually get in the way (by making you feel like you’re failing or not making progress when you actually are).

What will you do with all the energy you have from not developing resolutions or goals that won’t work for you?  Let me know in the comments!

Starting again, again

I’m on that high you get when you’ve had a great lesson where you’ve worked hard, learned a ton, enjoyed receiving information, knowledge and wisdom from a good teacher, had a genuinely good time, and are now exhausted!


What? you want to know why I would be taking a lesson?

That is an easy answer to give – because I needed to start again, again.

Start again, againThere is so much to know and to learn.  We all have some of the pieces, but none of us has all the pieces.  However, I keep working on the puzzle, so I gathered more pieces from another source – and I think the picture in the puzzle is starting to take shape and be visible!

I have a beautiful Wurlitzer Starke.  I am so fortunate and grateful to have it.  But, to be honest, it has been collecting dust in the corner.  Of course I play it – occasionally.  But I didn’t play it enough.  And I was making no movement toward the music I got it to work on – music I insisted I needed to play!

I have a confession to make.  I don’t just like Scottish music.  I love music.  I particularly like Baroque, Classical, and Romantic music.  I’m also a picky taster at the modern table.  But it was hearing Faure’s Impromptu on the radio that compelled me to venture into the pool of the pedal harp.

Yes, I heard that piece and I was smitten!  Just one teeny-tiny problem – I didn’t actually know how to start.  Because, while yes, a harp is a harp, I was a little bit afraid of my pedal harp.

So, I needed to start again.

In that weird way the world works, just before all of this, separately, two of you mentioned needing to start over again – in the same week!  So, I’ve had this idea of starting again, again in mind as I headed out to my lesson.

Do you need to start again, again?  It’s not a bad idea, and here’s why:

  1. Beginner’s Mind.  You might have heard this concept of keeping a “beginner’s mind” – holding curiosity forefront, being eager to learn, being grateful for each step forward no matter the size.  And perhaps most importantly, the beginner’s mind has no expectations of performance – no disappointment on not getting something right the first try or impatience that it’s “taking too long” to learn something.
  2. No matter where you go, there you are (but you’ve worn down your shoes!) – you might want to start again again just to get a “tune-up”. I’m always amazed how quickly small bad habits can build (and band together!) – a little slump leads to a little neck craning leads to dragging your arm on the sound board and a one way ticket to poorer playing and possible injury.
  3. Someone out there knows something that could push you just a little farther along on your path.  But if you don’t ask for the help and information, you might never get that little shove you need!  And you never know who will have it or what it will look like, so you need to pay attention.
  4. No one wants to become stale.  And it’s easy to do.  It’s so much easier to play the same ten tunes forever, but it’s very motivating to have new repertoire the next time you see your harp buddies.  Whether you have a lesson, go to a workshop, or find new music to learn, you’ll prevent yourself from becoming musty and have an opportunity to start again.
  5. Something worth having is worth fighting for.  It is easy (as in the above) to become complacent, but you know you want to be as good as you can become, and while it might not be a “fight” per se (although that might depend on the tune!), working for something you want has it’s benefits while not working will have significant drawbacks (like being disappointed in yourself!).

Taking the perspective of starting again, again can be freeing.  Of course, we’re not always in a place where we need to start again, again so if you’re not there that’s great!  But if you find yourself thinking that starting over might be the best way to move forward, really step into it and begin again…again!

Have you found yourself in this place? How did you know?  what did you do? Was it worth it? Let me know in the comments!


When injury strikes – plow on! (but carefully and smartly)

One of my students recently broke her arm*.  Really broke, with surgery and plates and screws, and other barbaric medical necessities.  It was not pretty.  She needed time to heal, and I encouraged her to take the time to recover so healing would go faster and more successfully. 

And with good care and physical therapy (and more patience that I would have shown), she’s been on the mend.  I’m delighted to have her back at the harp (with clearance from the physician and the physical therapist).

But, she’s a trooper and while she was recovering, she didn’t lay on the couch and moan!  Nope – she plowed on!

When injury strikes - plow onNow, let me explain what I mean by “plowed on”.  What she did not do is ignore the physical therapist or the physicians.   She did not just sit around.  So, what did she do?  She did the work she could do – carefully and smartly.

  1. She listened to music – because she knows this is a good way to perform mental practice.  You may have heard the old saw, “if you can sing it, you can play it”.  Listening to the tune helps you get the melody in your head, learning the patterns of the notes, the relationships of the phrases, so that you can anticipate what comes next – in your mind!  So when she was healed up, she had a lot of the brain part of learning already done and she was ready to go on to the finger part.
  2. She did her physical therapy – She told the PT that she’s a musician so the therapy could be tailored to her needs.  And she actually did the exercises her PT taught her – both during their sessions and as prescribed between those sessions.  She knew that although the exercises were no fun, they were fun-damental to her recovering and being able to get back to playing sooner.
  3. She continued to play with the other hand.  My students know that we will work to play the melody in both the right – and the left – hands.  Sometimes we also ask the right hand to play the harmony.  We do this both to exercise the left hand to make it more limber but also to make our brains more limber by switching the roles of the two hands.  She was able to keep that up throughout her injury.
  4. She rearranged some tunes – when you can only play with one hand, you rethink your harmonization.  This is an interesting exercise in inversions and it’s a good opportunity to think about the shape and structure of the tune.  Earlier work on hand shapes also meant that she was comfortable building harmonies in one hand…and she knew these would help transition to two hands when the time was right.
  5. She thought before she played – asking so much from your hands really does mean that thinking first makes sense to save unnecessary movement and work.  She analyzed the tune before playing to figure out how to accompany with harmony in just one hand.
  6. She thought after she played – gaining a new perspective from playing with one hand results in new possibilities to analyze your playing, the structure of your practice, and the outcomes.
  7. She rested – after all, your body needs time to recover so resting is certainly necessary for recovery.  And practicing in a new way meant becoming more tired sooner.
  8. She was patient – she understood that this was a serious injury and that, not being a child, it would require time to heal and to knit back together.

Being injured is never fun and injuring yourself may impact your playing.  But once it has happened, it is what it is – so take care of yourself while you heal – but don’t abandon your harp!  At a minimum it might soothe your hurt to play what you can!

* like any good article, this is based on a fiction derived as a composite of students.  But if you break an arm – I’d suggest you be smart – just like my composite student!

Harp Room Bling

Sometimes you just need a little, visible nudge to remind you of what is important to you.  So this week – a downloadable poster.  Print it out (up to 18 in x 24 in) and hang it up near your harp so you remember each time you sit.  Yes it’s goofy – but if it makes you focus or makes you laugh, at least you’ll already be at your harp – so you might as well play a little.To get your copy – just let me know you would like to have it – leave me a comment and I’ll get it to you!