My tune a month goal

Earlier this year I shared with you my goal to learn one new tune a month. I didn’t do as well as I had planned, for a variety of reasons. To be honest, I did better than it would seem but, because I didn’t keep good enough records, there are tunes not listed here that were in the challenge but I don’t remember what I didn’t know before! I did learn a lot though:


  1. I learned that I have to write everything down! My new plan is to have a single planner/calendar/journal so I always have all the info I need at hand rather than a collection of tools which actually created more confusion.
  2. I did better some months than others….and that’s ok.
  3. I’m externally motivated – although I love to learn new tunes, I mostly get them into my head for specific events or activities…. I don’t just learn to learn….and that’s ok.
  4. Some of the tunes I learned:
  • Fair Maid of Barra
  • Caol Muile
  • Alan Friendly (comp. Corinna Hewat (to be fair, that was rocking along but I got sidetracked and it’s not strictly there yet, but I’ll get back to it because I love it!))
  • Don Oiche m’Bethel
  • The Wizard
  • The March of King of Laois (which I’m embarrassed to say I hadn’t learned earlier)
  • Atholl Highlanders (another I never really got into my hands)
  • Josephine’s Waltz ((Comp R. Tallroth) a tune all my friends play that I needed to catch up on)
  • Amazing Grace (I’m slightly embarrassed that I didn’t know this cold – but that’s been fixed)
  • Auld Lang Syne (another that I should have known but somehow had managed to not learn previously!)
  • I reprised and worked on a few tunes including Malcolm Ferguson, Banks of the Lossie, McIntosh’s Lament, and (given the date) a number of Christmas tunes I hadn’t played a lot before

I need to set myself a challenge like this more often because it helped me focus and learn!

Of course, it’s nearly a new year so I can get back down to the business of the plan for 2016! I have a good idea when I could start.

How did you do on your goals?

Planning for everything

Recently, a harp friend died. This was a tragedy as she was a lovely person and a very good harp player. I had known her almost all of my harp life.

Not long after that, her family wanted to move on and part of that was to assure that her harps went to good homes. And so I was fortunate to be able to help the family in finding each harp a new loving home. But it got me to thinking.

Picture1It was very difficult for the family – it’s a difficult time as it is, but having to figure out how to move these harps along was just another burden for them. Because we love our harps and our harp friends/family so much, we may forget that to our “real” family isn’t as plugged in to our harp world. They don’t know how we communicate, how to “shift” a harp, where to go for help, how to move on.

In addition, while our families might try to meet all our wishes, we may not have shared what we would like to happen to our harps (and their assorted detritus!). You may want to be sure that your harps go to a chosen friend or you might want them embedded in a local organization’s harp rental program, or you might want your local (or favorite) school to receive your bounty. But if you don’t tell anyone, no one will know. Be specific – remember that it is likely a loving, non-harper will have to attempt to do what you want, so guidance from you would be a big help!

Therefore it is important to document and share your harp wishes with your family. Think about (and plan for) where you’d like all your harps to find a new place when you will no longer need it. If you will donate to an organization – be sure that the organization knows it will eventually receive your bounty. Be as lovely and generous as you always have been and others will appreciate your kindness.

Holidays are coming up!

Those people who are planners will note that it’s about time to start getting ready for the Holiday season. Since the retailers have decided that Labor Day is when Christmas stuff comes out, we should probably take a hint. The holiday season is a time that you can expect to be asked to play. If people know you play the harp, you’re going to be asked (If you haven’t told your immediate family that you’ve taken up the harp, you need to come clean!).

Whether you will play for your dog, your family, or parties and other gigs, you need a plan that will allow you to get through the season of holidays with minimal stress – and still leave time for your shopping.

Here are a six things you can do to be prepared:


  1. Make a list – what tunes are you going to play? What have you played in previous years (these will come back quickly)? What did you have requests for last year that you need to learn?
  2. Get out your calendar 1 – when are you available? When do you have other obligations?
  3. Decorate – what will you wear for your gigs (even if its your dog, think of it as a gig)? Can you actually play in that outfit? If you’re pulling out your annual holiday outfit, a year is plenty of time to shed, find or redistribute weight – does it still work for you? .
  4. Get out your calendar 2 – when are you going to practice? When will you be too busy to fit in time? Where does that fall relative to your obligations to play?
  5. Get it together – do you have any music or notes you need pulled together? Are they attractive or do you still have a collection of stickies and scraps of paper?
  6. Breathe – do you have enough time to do all the other things you might do for the holidays (such as baking, visiting friends, wrapping gifts, etc.)?

Get started now so you can have a relaxed enjoyable holiday season – you’ll be glad you did!

Double Digits Day

Today is double digits day – there are only 99 days remaining in 2015 – so we are losing that feeling like the year will never end and entering into the part where the year seems to be flying by faster than we can see! So the question is – have you done all the harp things you set out to do this year?

If you have, good on you! But more likely than not, there might be a couple of things as yet unfinished. The good news is you have plenty of time to get going on them and likely finish before the end of the year!

Picture1Apparently most people don’t meet their goals (a desired outcome) because they didn’t have enough time. Of course, we all get the same 24 hours each day – it’s how we use them that we need to look at. It is easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of things we think we will accomplish in a day (with work, school, chores, tasks and other stuff) – and in that overwhelm we don’t always get to our harps.

Which is a shame since the simple act of playing would probably significantly reduce that feeling of unending overwhelm.

There’s no challenge implied here. But imagine what kind of progress you could make if you mindfully moved yourself forward, just a little bit, every one of the remaining days in 2015. It’s a great opportunity to start journaling your practice or actually practicing each day (even if only for 30 minutes!). It’s a chance to do something for yourself, that isn’t bad for you and just might do you some good! At a minimum, it will help you count down the days (and will help highlight how close the holidays are – yikes!).

There’s nothing magic about having 99 days remaining in the year – it’s just a milestone, a time to stop and reflect, to determine if we’re doing the things we want to be doing with our time. Are you in?

Reading Challenge wrap up

Did you set a reading goal for yourself? Did you make good progress to that goal? The original idea was to set a short term goal to read at least one tune each day.

I didn’t do as well as I would have liked. I didn’t get to read every day. And I fell well short of my goal. That happened for a number of reasons – the sort of reasons that often trip us upPicture1

  • I didn’t have a real plan for what I was going to read
  • I didn’t make sure I had the “bandwidth” to insert reading into my daily practice – some days I don’t have a lot of time to practice and I chose to spend the time I had on work that has a shorter horizon.
  • I didn’t prioritize reading.

Now, to be fair, part of the reason I didn’t has as much time included that I worked to prepare to teach a workshop (ironically – on sight reading!). I also need to prepare for some upcoming events that required I spend time writing which meant I didn’t have the time to read.

And, of course, reading isn’t really a contest so I could slag it off – I only needed to read some ensemble arrangements. But I have to admit, I’m a tad disappointed. Not only because I didn’t make my goal but also because I set the goal but then didn’t do enough to make it happen. That’s how it goes when you make a wish rather than a goal.

How did you do?

Aim is true

It’s February, and everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s grayer than sunny, the days are still short…and we’re far enough in to the year that most of us have already lost interest in working toward the goals we set just a few weeks ago – our own goals! It is much more satisfying to curl up in a chair by the fire with a cup of tea and read. Which is what I was doing…reading that intellectual journal, “Family Circle”* when I saw this:

“A goal is not always meant to be reached.

It often serves simply as something to aim at. – Bruce Lee”

Wow! Was that man was right!

Picture2Sometimes, especially if you’re goal oriented, you might forget that the goal is not the thing; it’s just the plan on how to get where you think you’d like to go. And where you wanted to go might change. How you think you’d like to get there might change. What you’re willing to do along the way might change.

All along, Bruce Lee knew that sometimes the goal would morph, change, and become a guide light rather than the target. And that’s ok – you need light to see your target. This thought might be just what you need to move you along.

So, while I might harangue you about setting and achieving goals, remember Bruce’s wise thought. Your aim can be true even if your target is moving.

* March 2015, page 13 – it pays to look at the whole page! And I’m not sure I get any more wisdom (or blog fodder) reading a professional journal…

Keeping track – it’s still January

I know you have goals. You may call them goals, resolutions, objectives, but it doesn’t matter what you call them. What is important is that you have a direction in mind and that you have some idea how you are going to get there. And the easiest way to know if you got there is to be able to see your progress.

We often state our goals in squishy words. It is easier, but it creates so much angst. How do you know you are better? Are you sure you’ve developed your (insert objective here)?  You do have to track your progress to be sure that you have made some.  This is especially true for those dark days when you cannot remember how far you have come.  So, here are 5 ways to make track your progress so you can see you are getting somewhere:


  • Make it measurable – select something countable.  Number of tunes, minutes of practice, days of work, whatever measure will help you verify your progress.
  • Make it visible – it’s all well and good to feel you’re getting there, but seeing it for yourself really helps.  You can mark a calendar, keep a journal, make a wall chart, use an app, build a spreadsheet – how it appears is not nearly as important as that you will use it and look at it.
  • Make a baseline – record yourself now and put that aside. At the end of the year record yourself (this works best if you do the same piece of music).  Now listen to the two recordings to determine if you have met the goal. You will be able to see (or in this case, hear) that you have come of the baseline.
  • Make it manageable sized bites – you’re not going to achieve each goal in one go so break them into steps that you achieve in each practice, each week or month, or some other segment.  Then you can track those steps to see progress.
  • Make time, but not too much time – don’t let tracking your goal become the thing that takes up all your time. Tracking is just a tool so you can stay focused and motivated – so you can keep moving forward.

Give it a go – track your progress and see how far you come!

Goals for 2015

It is January – a new start to a new year. And of course, it is resolution time. We all know that resolutions are simply goals wrapped in festive paper. I always entreat you to set goals so I thought I’d share some of mine for 2015.

Because I want to succeed I have selected a small number of goals that are SMART. By that I mean the goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timed. I have structured my goals to meet these criteria – otherwise how would I know when I got there?

I have established three goals for my harp life. That might seem like a small number but these are just for my harp life and I have other goals for other parts of my life.  In addition, I’d rather have three completed goals than a larger number of goals that are languishing, uncompleted and weighing me down.  And I’d rather reach for the stars and touch them than be caught up trying to figure which star to reach for first! Picture1

Goal 1 – Learn at least one tune per month. This is attainable and realistic given the competing pressures on my schedule, I will definitely know at the end of the year if I have learned 12 tunes (by learn I mean prepared through performance, not just knocked one back at a workshop).

Goal 2 – Practice reading at least 5 minutes per day. I find reading music increasingly challenging while I’m playing and my sight reading skill has dropped. I know the only way to improve my sight reading is to practice. This will improve my capability as a teacher, an ensemble member, and just to broaden my horizons as a musician.

Goal 3 – Book at least one new type of gig. This is me looking to expand how I look at performing. So, just booking more weddings is not the point here, but rather to seek out new types of performing or types of event at which to perform. Because the rest of my life can sometimes get in the way of my harp life, I have set this goal low but will be delighted if I can break through to more.

What goals have you set for yourself for 2015?