What Will You Do on Your Summer Staycation?

With all this pandemic-ing going on and on and on, it’s easy to let planning for summer to fall out of your head.  But that would be a mistake!  While not everything will be happening this summer, there is a not-to-be-missed harp event that I would commend to you –

The Ohio Scottish Arts School will be online again this summer!

OSAS 2021Now, you might think that it might not be as fulfilling as the in-person experience.  You’d be wrong.   Ask last year’s attendees – we did many of the same things we do when we’re in person.  There were notable exceptions, but these were slightly ameliorated by being things we would have had to replace anyway.

Why would we need to replace things anyway?  Because next year (fingers crossed) we will be in our new location at Baldwin Wallace University.  We are very much looking forward to this change…and not just because it is air conditioned against those June-in-Ohio heatwaves!  We will have to find new things to replace singing under the tree, wandering Gibson’s and the Ben Franklin, and going to the Bead Shop.  And we will – we will have a new place to explore and enjoy!

But first – this summer. 

This summer we have are so fortunate to have an amazing collection of teachers. Rachel Hair and Rachel Clemente will be with us again.  And I’m so excited that we will also be joined by Sharon Knowles too!  Oh, and me!

We are all excited about seeing everyone from near and far.  We were so excited to have students from as far away as Europe but we can try to break that distance record!  We’ll be like the Brady Bunch again with happy faces in small windows.  And the tunes we’ll be teaching – Ace! (as we have learned to say from Rachel Hair).  We will have teaching sessions and lecture sessions and fun sessions.  There will also be opportunities to learn from the other arts (Pipes, Drums, Fiddles, and Dance).  The evening activities will include the Instructor Concert as well as some new goodies the Thistle Family are cooking up.  And – we will get to start each day as we traditionally have – with the piper!

If you’ve not been to OSAS, you have missed a treat!  But you can fix that!  OSAS is intended to provide students with comprehensive instruction in their chosen traditional art – Harp in our case.  All the instructors in each art are nationally and internationally recognized.  You will learn theory, skills and technique, and new material. 

You do not need to be a significantly accomplished harper, but OSAS is not pitched to rank beginners – you should have some knowledge of harping.  However, if you are comfortable learning and playing, come join us!

OSAS will be Monday, June 28 – Friday, July 2.  Registration is now open – go to https://ohioscottishartsschool.com for all the details.    

Please note that the class sizes are limited, and registration closes June 11th.  Don’t delay – get your spot!  We were pretty full last summer.  Have harp specific questions?  Planning to be there this summer?  Let me know you’re coming in the comments below.

4 thoughts on “What Will You Do on Your Summer Staycation?

  1. the teaching roster sounds SO impressive! sadly, learning quickly by ear is NOT my forte . 🙁 i attended live a few yrs ago- quite the Experience….

  2. I registered the day Pam’s email arrived! Such great teachers, and great people in class. I learn so much and have FUN!

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