Spruce up your practice space – 8 ways

We’ve been inside a lot already with winter, the spring that tried hard to not come and then the virus running roughshod over the earth.  And now it’s the height of summer and many of us are doing our best to stay in the air conditioning!

All that being inside may lead to ennui.  And that ennui may lead to your practice space needing a little sprucing.  Do you find that you’re not drawn to your practice space?  Are you just not sitting down to practice as much as you’d like?

Spruce up your spaceYou might need to spruce up your practice space!  Why might you want to do this?  Well, here are four reasons – I’m sure there are more, but ones that come to mind are:

  • It’s your space so it should reflect you!
  • You’re a creative and being creative in various ways boosts all your creativity.
  • You want to want to spend time your space so it should be attractive!
  • You want your space to meet your needs so you can actually use it.

How might you go about this sprucing?  Well, you can go all out and paint, get new flooring, and completely redecorate.  But that’s a big project!  You might need a little less than that – how about contenting yourself with a little reorganizing?  What might that include?  Here are eight things you might try:

  1. Rearrange the furniture.  You might be surprised how much simply moving your harp (even just turning it around) could change how you use your space.  Yes, it could be that simple!
  2. Does your sheet music storage make it easy to use?  I have come up with a way to organize individual tunes – I have them in dividers, alphabetical by the title I think of the tune by.  And yes, that means that some tunes are filed by their title in English and others are sorted by their Gaelic title…but it doesn’t matter….as long as I can find what I’m looking for.  There is no “optimal” organization – only a system that will work for you.  My books are a hopeless mess – I haven’t figured that one out yet!
  3. Do you have enough lighting?  I added a lamp which surprisingly made a huge difference in my already-brightly-lit room.
  4. Is your space neat enough?  That is, neat enough for you – it only has to work for you.  But make sure it actually is neat enough for you…or develop a way to keep it to the level that allows you to be comfortable (or you’ll avoid the space and not play as much as you’d like).  If you have to, re-home tchotchkes, get organizational stuff (boxes? files? bins? baskets? Whatever you will use), add (or remove) furniture) so that you have a level of neat you can live with.
  5. Are your tools close to hand?  You know there are things you need frequently – tuning wrench, tuner, pencils, etc. – are they were you can easily reach them, or do you need a place to put them?
  6. Does your space serve your learning process? Do you have a place to put things you’re going to learn, are learning, have learned, are polishing, are refreshing?  One that helps you keep those sorted and in work?  I’ve suggested a couple of options – from file folders to recipe cards – just something that helps you “move” tunes through their development and into your repertoire.
  7. You want to spend time there so make sure you like it – do you have art you like to look at? A comfy chair if you have room? (hey, you need to listen to music too!).  Do you have a plant?  Make sure you are enjoying the aesthetic you set!
  8. Does your space serve more than one function?  Do you have the luxury of a harp room or do you have a harp corner?  Either way, make sure you organize in a way that not only assures you have a place to play but also protects the harp when you’re not playing.  For instance, if your guest bedroom is also your harp room, what do you do with your harp when you have company?

Remember, your space has to work for you – in your life and your practice.  There is no “right” answer – only the answer that allows you to practice and to enjoy your harp.  And don’t shy away from making changes if you find that you “just don’t feel like being there” or you find that you go into your space, but you don’t stay long.  That just lets you know you might need make some changes!

Spruce up your practice space so you actually practice!  What will you do for your space?

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