Sorry to be late…

Sorry to be late posting, I am having a bit of an emergency.  Travel, focus, caring, fatigue, etc.  You’ve all had emergencies, so you know.

I did think to grab my little harp on the way.  I spend so much time teaching and writing and arranging and practicing and blahblahblah, that I sometimes forget that I really enjoy playing my harp.  It not only provides distraction and pleasure, it adds a soothing balm at the end of a hectic day.

I’m not spending a lot of time with it but, like my good friends, it is there at the end of the day, waiting to provide it’s own form of help.  It assuages my heart and quiets my thoughts.

Don’t forget why you fell in love with your harp.  And don’t wait for the universe to prompt you to remember.  Go play, and enjoy, and don’t ever let the mundane everyday suck the joy from your relationship with your harp.