OSAS has been a cornerstone of my development as a harper and I cannot encourage you enough to come and study.
The week long course gives students the opportunity to learn in a concentrated session from six instructors who are known for their performing and for their teaching.

Photos from last year, filched from the OSAS website – you’ll know you’re in the right place when you see them!
Teachers present repertoire-building tunes to students at all levels of accomplishment. You will learn Scottish dance music, airs, songs, and will focus on ornamentation, Scottish style, accompaniment, and learning by ear. There are lectures, practice time, sessions and a little free time. You will meet new friends and possibly meet the those that represent the future of harp excellence in your fellow students. Classes will be available for beginners on through advanced players.
This year we will have the incredible opportunity to study with six instructors. We are so fortunate to be able to learn from these remarkable musicians: Wendy Stewart (amazing!), Dominique Dodge (incredible!), Therese Honey (fantastic), Charlie Heymann (astonishing!), Ann Heymann (astounding!), and of course, Sue Richards (marvelous!)!
Held on the campus of Oberlin College (yes, the one with the Conservatory!) OSAS is the kind of fun that has many of us coming every summer that we can manage it. We learn more than we think we can hold and we have friends with whom we can enjoy playing the rep. For more info, go to http://www.ohioscottishartsschool.com/osasgeninfo.htm and follow the links to the Harp page. Hope you join us there!