Looking ahead –

It’s already April – so it’s already time to be thinking about what you’d like to be doing this summer!

There are so many activities available in the summer that planning is definitely required. You have limited resources – both time and money. In addition, there are only so many places available in these events. So, to help you plan, this month I’d like to share some of my favorites.

First up is Harp Camp. This is our 21st year! Harp Camp is very exclusive with only 10 spots each summer. This summer it will be August 19th-21st in our lovely, idyllic setting in South Central Pennsylvania.

Kris Snyder and I work hard to create an easily accessible, highly personalized, fun-filled, supportive environment where harp players can extend their technical skills regardless of the current level of accomplishment.


Kris and I have a lot of fun planning and teaching Harp Camp – you should join us!

Harp Camp is only open to Lever harp players. We encourage participants to try new things while building an understanding of the skills necessary to reach individual performance goals.

We have put together a format that is tailored to our identified participants. We are careful to assure you feel no frustration. While you’re learning, there’s no stuff you aren’t ready for and no waiting for people with less experience to understand what is being presented.

Each workshop is geared toward each individual’s proficiency and comfort level. We have three days full of creativity and fun, covering diverse topics from learning to performance to improvisation. In addition, we have Creative and Directed Ensembles, games, and age appropriate activities to round out the days!

For more information, check out the additional information here.