The Dr. Is In

Dr. Seuss is quoted as saying,

“It’s not about what it is, it’s about what it can become.”

What a great way to look at playing. We have to remember that even when we play our best, we can only play our best for this day…and tomorrow will be another, different day on which we may play very differently.

Which means that each day, when we work at playing, we have the opportunity to play well, or to learn from our playing or both. We also can learn so much that may (or may not) be directly tied to our harp playing.

Some days it feels like you aren’t getting anywhere. Other days, you make so much progress you wonder why you ever doubted. And, of course, you have a day each time you practice. So why is it that you only remember the days in which you had trouble? You only recall the “bad” days!Picture1To avoid falling down in the dumps about these bad days, keep a log. Each day write down what you did, what when right, what gave you some difficulty. You might want to develop a scheme for finding the good days (color the top corner green, fold the page over on the diagonal, keep good days at the front right side up and bad days at the back upside down) so you can remind yourself that you’re doing a great job and what you continue to struggle with.

Because you know that there will always be some things that are a struggle…but they don’t define you! Just keep in mind what the good Dr. said.


No, don’t think, “Oh bother, I’m not reading this!”.  Bear with me.  Up until not too long ago, I thought improvisation was something my teacher thought up to make my life hell, I thought she just didn’t like me (ok, not really). But, every time the word “improvisation” was uttered, I could see it, hanging in the air like a cloud of smoke over a frying pan – smelling slightly bad and not improving my disposition.

I know now that my fear was unfounded but not baseless. I no longer quake in my boots at the thought of ripping out an improv…but that’s only because I have spent some time on some important fundamentals. Learn those fundamentals and you’ll be well on your way to comfortably filling the time between tunes, when you can’t think of anything to play, or just when your mind is blank.

Start with riff. A riff is a short pattern or phrase (melodic, rhythmic, both) that is repeated. Remember that the “re” in repeated means over and over and over and over…..I suggest keeping it simple – especially when you’re just beginning. You can do this!!

Picture1Here are four things to get you started:

  1. Start with a simple pattern – and I mean s-i-m-p-l-e! This is not the time to channel your inner JSBach! Three notes is all you need to start. Starting simple means that your brain doesn’t have to work hard just to keep the pattern going. You want something so easy you can do it without thinking – literally.
  2. Noodle around the pattern – this is the stone soup method of composing on the fly.  To your well established simple pattern, add stuff.  Try adding the root note, then try out the other notes in the triad, maybe give the 4th, the 6th, or the 7th a go and see what you like. Remember that tunes are made of the patterns, pitches, and SILENCES so you can add those too – use all the colors on your palette!
  3. Don’t forget your theory – it will help you make choices faster with less hunting and pecking. All that adding stuff is easier if you don’t have to muscle through it (you don’t have to have studied your theory but it helps to know ahead of time what sort of effect you’ll get with the 3rd as opposed to what happens when you use the 4th (for instance)).
  4. Practice – improv doesn’t just happen from the stage – all that nonchalance comes from hours of practice! The jazz greats (what most people think of when you say improv) know their music cold (like you will if you practice your 3 note riff) so they could select a pattern and build a riff on it. You have to practice doing improvisation! Don’t expect that sort of creativity to just jump into your head or into your hands – it takes work.

Start doing a little gentle improve in the safety of your practice space – just spend 5 minutes of each practice session seeing what happens if you suspend disbelieve and give it a try. If I can do it, you can too!

Time to tune up

In the summer, there are so many camps, workshops, programs and they all suggest that you start early to get your fingers toughened up because you’ll be playing more than you usually do.


But what does that mean? How can you get ready for these events? Here are seven ways to tune up for a workshop so you can get as much out of the last session as the first: Picture1

  1. Make a schedule – you know you have a finite amount of time to prepare, so plan to use it – each day increase your time on the bench a little (add no more than 10% each week – just like running).  A small increase allows you to build up without adding too much at once, which will help you stay on track). Be sure in also increase the number of times each day that you sit at your harp – the workshop might be 8 hours a day but that won’t all be on your bench so you might want to practice sitting to your harp 3 times a day rather than one really long stretch!
  2. Work your plan – it’s all well and good to make a plan but then you have to actually use it! Be sure that you actually do the things you set up in your plan
  3. Be realistic – if you never have time to practice on Sundays (for example) – build that into your plan, don’t think that suddenly the time will appear. This is especially true if you are working around your current schedule – if you only have 30 minutes a day to practice, do not think that suddenly you will find 3 hours a day to practice.  However, if you are so strapped for time that you can only practice for 30 minutes a day – know that you will need to modify what you expect to get out of each day of the workshop.
  4. Remember your braces: when you had braces, you didn’t expect all the movement at once – it was gentle progress you were after – same thing here – gentle positive progress will not only allow you to feel better about your work but will result in a noticeable benefit.
  5. Warm up – this is not the time to skimp on the fundamentals – do plan to spend a little time warming up (and when you get to your workshop, don’t forget to do this!)
  6. Stretch – just as you know that a good warm up is essential to avoiding injury, a good stretch at the end of your time at your harp is also important while you are increasing your time on the bench. And when you are at your workshop, stretching will also be important – you will be working hard.  In addition, workshop participants are often a little stressed (concentrating, wanting to “do well” (whatever that means – everyone is learning!), trying to learn a lot in a little time with the tutor all add to your stress).
  7. Journal – keep a record of what you are doing and how it is going – while this is always a good idea, it’s especially important when you are trying to prepare.

Summer workshops, camps, and other events are a great way to learn, meet new friends, catch up with old friends and really expand your harping – be sure you are ready to make the most of the event!

Sometimes you just want to control the clock

I never did get to post last week.  It was one of those weeks that was just too full. Something had to give.

Last week, I chose to practice. Just like everyday, I specifically allotted time to spend at my harp.

Because the week was busy, I had to chivvy time out of other places to get things accomplished.

I chose to practice. Or more accurately, I protected the practice time and let other things slide.

Picture1I chose to not let practice get shifted off the schedule.  I cut back on other things – sleep got short shrift too, and I didn’t write to you.

I’m happy with my choice.  I’m equally happy that I consciously put practicing on the front burner.

Hopefully the coming weeks will be calmer and more controlled! And I hope when presented with the options, you chose to practice too!

Close your eyes…give me your hand

Most harpers have some concept of the (likely romanticized) history of the harper – an important contributor to life in the home of the Laird, carrier of news, stories, lore, and intrigue, and provider of music for all events and perhaps for everyday living.  Likely you know that at some point harping was an excellent profession for the blind – a job that didn’t require being sighted to be excellent.  And of course, we have the Rory’s in history.  We are ever so slightly proud of that heritage.

So why then, do I so often hear, “Oh, I have to look!” or “I can’t play without seeing the strings” or some variation on these?   I’ve also hear, “I’ll make a complete mess of it if I don’t look!”Picture4

And you know what I’ll say to that – you simply need to practice to play without looking!  There are so many reasons to play without looking:

  • Candle light/poor lighting
  • Power cuts
  • Outdoor, dusk weddings
  • Poor or changing vision

But if you practice playing in low or no light situations you will see a number of improvements:

  • Your body will know where the notes are (and will learn that better than if you are always looking)
  • You’ll be more confident in a number of situations (listed above)
  • You don’t have to remember to carry a light (of course, this assumes you don’t need the music stand!)

If you need a little nudge to start playing in low light, start by practicing at dusk by natural light – and let the night come.  It will be very gradual.  You’ll learn this way that you can in fact play with little light.

Don’t get discouraged – you had to learn to play by looking – and this is no different…and enjoy – you’ll impress your harp friends too!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas –

It’s barely begun to cool down, the days have hardly gotten any shorter and the trees haven’t really begun to show their colors. It’s October! But it is also definitely time to start preparing for Christmas! From parties to church services, from fundraisers to celebrations, ‘tis the season to be asked to bring a little joy to people by playing for Christmas. Will you be ready? Here are 8 things you can do to be prepared this season:


  • Start now – Christmas is right around the corner, but the holiday season is even closer. Holiday decorations had appeared in big-box retailers before Labor Day and the Christmas events will start after Thanksgiving if not before so you need to start now to be ready.
  • Make a preparation checklist – write down those things you need to do to be prepared (some of the items in this post might be helpful for that). Use your checklist to help yourself prepare.
  • Budget your time – be sure to manage your time effectively – refreshing tunes you’ve learned before, learning new material, whatever you need to spend your time on – arrange to have that time available.
  • Select your tunes – know what you are preparing for and use that information to generate a solid set of tunes (and specific tune lists).
  • Schedule practice – not kidding. The holidays are notorious for days filled up beyond reason, earlier than expected, and with way too much to do. Be sure to schedule your practice time in – or you won’t get any!
  • Use your practice time wisely – because your practice time will be at a premium, be sure you plan for that time so you can get the most out of every moment. No shillyshallying at the harp, no unfocused playing through – actually practice when you’re practicing.
  • Make notes for next year – some of your preparation will be very good, some will be no help whatsoever. Make notes to yourself for next year so have even better preparation in the future.
  • Enjoy yourself – the preparation is challenging, and the added stress of performing may get to you, but be sure to enjoy yourself. And also be sure to acknowledge any improvement in your performance, the level of difficulty of the music, the speed of refreshing tunes you had learnedin previous years – all those positive indicators that arise from your preparation.

Christmas comes but once a year – fortunately, it stays for a while and provides you a great opportunity to prepare and to play for family, friends, and customers.

The Inspiration Club

Jack London is quoted as saying, “You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” Picture1

Every day we have to build our motivation to get onto that bench. Every day we have to work to maintain our proficiency and to get just a little bit better. Every day that we decide to skip sitting on the bench to do that work takes us a little farther away from what we want – in our heads and in our hearts. And every day a big something, or a hundred little somethings, get between us and that bench. And every day that we don’t make it to the bench makes the next day just a little easier to skip.

And so, every day, we have to get inspired, motivated to get on that bench. But, as Mr. London said, we cannot just sit idly by, awaiting the momentous arrival of that inspiration. Rather, we have to hunt for it…and some days, we need that club! We have to do not only the work that we set out to do, but we also have to do the additional work of digging in and finding our inspiration – the right fit for each day, and applying it to ourselves.

Some days the inspiration can be learning, another day it might be fear (the dreaded upcoming competition perhaps?), and on another day it might suffice to be the joy of being at your harp. The toughest days are those in which you can’t identify the right inspiration – but that can be just what you needed that day – some distance – but not distance from the harp!

So, don’t wait for inspiration to fall from the sky – make your own.  Apply it to your day – with (or without) a club! See you on the bench.

Friends don’t let friends play with bad technique

Technique. Even the word makes us think, “Ugh, not that!”. It is almost the same as running out for the ice cream truck only to find it selling liver and onions!

But good technique is essential to playing well and to protecting your body. You can build good technique with, you guessed it, practice. Building good technique will allow you to get more out of you. And good technique is applicable to any instrument, not just harp. Here are five ways good technique is important to you:

  • Injury prevention – Musicians of all levels report nagging injuries. Many of these are overuse injuries and many can be prevented by good technique. Be sure to close and open your fingers, sit upright (also handy for breathing), be relaxed, keep your head up, etc.
  • Speed – we value fast playing but so many people get in their own way on the road to playing faster because of poor technique. Improving your technique will help you get faster.


  • Agility – just like speed, so often people get in their own way because their poor technique has left their hand cramped, their arm glued to the sound board or their shoulders in their ears (either because of tension or their head is cocked).
  • Flexibility – I mean options – having good technique means that you’re in a position to have options should you experience a “jazz improvisation”. And that good technique will typically result in fewer of those experiences!
  • Improved practice time – most people don’t want to spend time on technique because it’s boring and they would rather get on to playing, but just a little time on technique will yield extensive benefit to the rest of your practice time.

Working on your technique may not be fun but it is fundamental. And building good technique is imminently easier (and less time consuming) than correcting bad technique later!  Spend just a little time each day and enjoy years of making music the way you want to!

Make your mark

There are a number of basic things that we can do to help us learn music, play better, and have an easier time of getting from one to the other. Usually these things are simple, easy really.   Marking your music is one of those things. So why do so many people skip this important step?

Ok, I don’t have an answer for that, maybe because it seems difficult?  Or because we never want to do the fundamental work which looks easy but usually is anything but?  Since we don’t have an answer, instead let’s focus on what marking your music can do for you (besides get you from first look to easy playing!). Here are six reasons to mark up your dots!


  1. Marking your music requires that you read through the music first. I always tell my students that reading music is like reading Greek – if you keep practicing it, a little at a time, it will get easier. Practice enough, it will become effortless.
  2. Writing in reminders (in pencil – things change!) will help you remember! Pencil in your fingerings and placements until you’re comfortable (then you can erase and fill the space up with phrasings, dynamics, tempo changes, and other notes.
  3. Mark your lever (or pedal) changes. You might think you’ll remember to make the lever change, but when push comes to shove, the reminder is good to have (it also helps your remember to practice the change as part of the music not as an afterthought).
  4. If you’re in an ensemble you can mark reminders of what other players will be doing. Or you can pencil in changes the director adds to your notes.
  5. You can mark passages you are having difficulty with and need to practice more – you can break them down, rearrange them, and mark how you’d like to proceed.
  6. You can also mark to remind you when you get to your lesson of specific questions you’d like to ask.

Never forget that you have the dots in front of you to help you remember. Adding marks to the dots will allow you to remember more. Marking in pencil gives you room to develop, grow, learn and change how you play. And remember — the marking is there as a guide – nothing is sacrosanct about the marks – just erase when you’re ready to move along! Enjoy making your mark!

Check Your Resolutions

Surveys earlier this month indicated that many people make resolutions each year.  Those same surveys indicated that most people didn’t make it very far on those resolutions.   
We typically make resolutions to focus on something we think we should be doing but haven’t done or on things we do that we know are bad for us. Assuming you’ve made some harp resolutions, this is a good time to determine if you’re on track to achieving those resolutions or if you’ve already fallen off the wagon and need to climb back on!   
Here are four ways to keep yourself moving forward to successfully achieve your resolutions for 2014:
  1.  Make sure you really want it– sometimes we set a resolution that we think we should set, rather than one we actually want.   For example, we think we should practice for two hours every day, but we don’t really want to. Be clear on what you want and work toward that.  If you really only want to practice for half an hour a day, a better resolution would be to structure your practice and really get benefit from those thirty minutes.
  2. Identify what has gotten in your way and how you’re going to get around it – if your resolution is to practice every day but you’re not making it, examine why – what is getting in your way?  Once you know what is blocking you (you don’t really want to, you have to move your harp to play it, you haven’t scheduled the time) you can devise a strategy to stay on track.
  3. Catch yourself doing good – set up a reward schedule for making progress on your resolution.  Make sure it is a good reward!
  4. Verify that it was a good resolution to begin with – sometimes we set resolutions that really aren’t good (something we just can’t achieve or a resolution that you don’t really want)…change it!  Resolutions are not set in stone and you can set a new one that is a better fit at any time.
Remember that you set a resolution to make you better, not to punish yourself!  Do what you can to help you make your resolutions successful and you’ll have a real feeling of accomplishment.