World Music Day

It’s World Music Day (21 June)! 

Ok, like a lot of Hallmark Card holidays, it is also made up by some organization.  But who cares?!?  It’s a holiday to celebrate music!  What’s not to like?

According to the organizers, “World Music Day celebrates music in all its forms and the impact it’s had on the world and the human spirit.”  I cannot make this stuff up:

World Music Day was started in France by the Ministry of Culture (if that’s not already taken, it would be an excellent band name). Apparently, again according to the organizers, on this day all music should be free to everyone (rather than paid tickets) (you can tell a bunch of bureaucrats thought this up and didn’t ask any musicians about it!).

Check out their website

And in the Hallmark holiday spirit – I’d like to give you your first World Music Day greeting card:

If you’re not sure why I chose those funny names – Aoide is the muse of song and her sister Melete is the muse of practice!  And if you are not sure how to celebrate – enroll in the Ohio Scottish Arts School – it’s next week!

How are you going to celebrate World Music Day?  I’m giving a concert assuming the weather holds.  Let me know what you’re going to do!

3 thoughts on “World Music Day

  1. What fun! Thanks for the cool card Jen-I feel like I already know Aoide and Melete very well😊 I read this a day late for a proper celebration but it’s on my calendar for next year.

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