Woohoo Summer!

Woohoo Summer! 

This week Summer officially begins. Where I am, Summer will start on a day that is predicted to be nearly 100oF. Yay.

But when Summer starts like that, at least there is no confusion – it’s definitely Summer, no lingering doubts.

And certainly no time to stay home! Because Summer is also time to get out and play! I’ll be doing a couple of things and I hope I will see you there. Here’s where I’ll be for the next little bit.

At the end of June, it’s time for the Ohio Scottish Arts School – YAY! I love so much about OSAS – the people, the format, the tunes, the silly games, the hanging out with friends, the playing music, the comradery, the tradition. I’ve been going to OSAS as a student or a teacher from the very early days of my harp life and it’s like coming home. I’m so delighted to be teaching with Wendy Stewart, Kelly Stewart, Tiffany Schaefer, and Haley Hewitt! And a number of you will be coming which makes my heart happy – to see old friends and to meet friends in the flesh for the first time at Baldwin Wallace University in Berea, OH. Can’t wait!

Then in July, there’s the Somerset Folk Harp Festival which is always a maelstrom of activity (in a good way). This year there is an amazing lineup of instructors, and I am so grateful to be among them. Somerset is offering me the opportunity to do that thing I do by mashing up my technical world with my music world and I’ll be teaching two workshops.  On the Saturday I’ll be presenting Preventing and Avoiding Injuries: Ergonomics for Therapeutic (and other) Settings which is open for any level and will be helpful to all harpers not just therapeutic musicians. It will be hands on and interesting no matter where you play.  On Friday it’s Repertoire for Every Patient! with tips, techniques, and approaches to make a small but workable repertoire be useful no matter who you play for in the healthcare setting. It will be focused on therapeutic music, but the principles are the same no matter where you play. I hope I’ll see you there – please say hi! And if you’re on the fence about coming, I hope you will decide that yes, you need to come – registration is still open!

In August, it’s off to Scotland to see Glasgow, Edinburgh, a brief jaunt to Skye and a turn about the Highlands for a bit. I (really!) will try to remember to take photos, but you already know I’m so bad at that because I’m usually too busy gawping at all the beauty! I have a small but feisty group and I’m really looking forward to seeing the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. I’ve wanted to see this event for years! I know so many of you wanted to come along but weren’t able to for one reason or another – so watch this space and start planning for next year!

And then it will be September! Whew! I hope I do a decent job sharing all the fun and learning and visiting friends (and photos – really, I will try!). I’m excited to see several of you and I’m happy to share some of the experiences with all of you. I’ll share photos here and on my facetagram.  As always, let me know if I should be looking for you in a particular place, ask questions, and share your thoughts in the comments!

Woohoo Summer!