Join us for “Lever Harp Camp 2012″ August 17th, 18th and 19th in Glenville, PA, Harp Camp is easily accessible to harpers from anywhere and at any level. Harp Camp is always fun! We have a great group that is small so we learn a lot, laugh a lot, and have a great time.
Instructors Kris Snyder and I have put together a format tailored to you. No frustration of either information that you aren’t ready for, or waiting for people with less experience to understand what is being presented. Our capped enrollment means that each workshop you take will be geared toward your proficiency and comfort level.
Early Bird Special –
Locals before June 15th: $200
Out-of-towners before June 15th: $230 (if choosing to stay with a local student, otherwise $200).
After June 15th: $250/$280 ($280 is for the out-of-towner staying with a local student)
Rentals available: $30 rental fee, + $50 returnable deposit.
You may participate in our convenient payment program. Please email me to reserve your place today!