What will you do on your summer vacation?

As occurs about this time each year, it’s about time to plan your summer vacation.  There are many options, but here’s a harp opportunity for you to consider – come join us!
This is the 19th year of Lever Harp Camp 2014!  This year we will hold Camp 15 -17 August in South Central Pennsylvania.  This year’s theme is The Game of Music.  Harp Camp is easily accessible to harpers from anywhere and at any level. 

I am delighted to be teaching with my Co-Director Kris Nystrom Snyder again.  Harp Camp is a highlight in my year and I really look forward to it!  We work hard to bring you a highly personalized, fun-filled, supportive environment where you can extend your technical skills no matter where you are in your harp journey.  In addition you will be able to enhance your appreciation for our wonderful instrument. We also encourage all participants to try new things in a safe atmosphere and give you an understanding of the skills necessary to reach your individual performance goals.
Our format is tailored to you – no frustration of “not getting” material you aren’t ready for, nor will you be waiting for people with less experience to “catch up”.  You will experience three days filled with creativity and fun.  Workshops cover diverse topics from learning to performance to composition and improvisation.  We will have (music) Games, Creative and Directed Ensemble and other age appropriate activities that you are sure to enjoy!
We keep Harp Camp small and have a capped attendance policy.  This allows our class sizes to remain small – giving our attendees the personnel attention for which we are known.
DON’T MISS OUT!!  For more information, Contact us