‘Tis the Season

Wedding season that is.  The good news is that people are still getting married!  If we’re fortunate to be booked we know that we will add immeasurably to the event.  I heard a great characterization for waffling brides (or checkbook holders), “People won’t remember what you served for dinner but everyone will remember that you had a gorgeous harp!” (if I could remember who said this brilliant pearl I would definitely credit that person here!).


Some of the best parts of playing a wedding include:

  • Knowing that you are making an event extraordinary
  • Playing through your repertoire (out in public!)
  • Seeing some of the best architecture in your area
  • Seeing some of the nicest gardens where you live
  • Having a solid half hour to play before the main event (typically uninterrupted)

And if you’re not playing weddings – why not?  “I don’t want to” is a perfectly good answer.  “I am afraid to” isn’t as legitimate – and may point out things you should work on (we’re talking about music, not temperament!). 

What do you like best about playing for weddings? What do you play? Do you have any standards or chestnuts? If you had to play a wedding tomorrow, do you have enough music at your fingertips?  I hope you’ll what you like and what works with me!