So last week I mentioned the Perfect Piece – the post on crazyforewe.blogspot.comthat really got me thinking. But then I didn’t tell you what it got me thinking…so this week, I’ll share that with you – Ellen included a quote from a very well-known knitting designer, Sally Melville, who said that a “perfect piece” is something that is easy, artistic, and wonderful to wear.
And isn’t that true – think about the tunes you love – what about them makes you love them? How are they perfect? They achieve that perfection because they have some or all of these characteristics Sally mentions. They are usually easy (when I say easy, I mean that even if they are technically challenging, the fall into your hands). Or they beg you to give up their artistry through the story that you hear when you listen to the tune. And they are wonderful to wear – you can’t help but share those tunes with anyone who will listen.