Summer plans 1

Although we’re still whinging on about the snow and cold, it’s already April and summer is fast approaching! This month I’ll highlight some of my favorite summer activities. If you want to attend any of these events, you’ll want to get a jump on it so you’re sure to get a place. Few things are worse than being excited to attend a workshop only to find out that it is sold out! I will present them in calendar order. These are events I really enjoy and have learned a lot from. There is no affiliate marketing (i.e. kickback) only the potential benefit of possibility of running into you at one of these events!

Let’s start with the

Ohio Scottish Arts School*!
This is the 40th Anniversary of the Ohio Scottish Arts School! (you also have the opportunity to help celebrate this momentous anniversary here – donate $40 for 40th Anniversary)

OSAS has been an excellent hub for meeting the greats (and future greats) of Scottish Harp in the US and UK – some as instructors, some as students (and later as instructors). It is a fun and intensive week. The (harp) classes will focus on basic harp technique (for beginners and intermediates), repertoire at all levels, including tunes for competition sets, Scottish style, including ornaments, lilt, and dance types. Every day you study Scottish dance music, airs, and songs, ornamentation, Scottish style, accompaniment, and learning by ear. Each day there are lectures, practice time, and playing in sessions. If you play the harp, there’s a class for you! Classes are available for beginners (who have played for a few months), as well as intermediate and advanced players.

In the evenings there are activities (and snacks!) and you can always join (or start) a session. The harpers have become spoiled by the students of Ringgold Middle and high schools who prepare and share a lovely mid-week Tea – an event to which we all look forward!

OSAS is a fun, exciting workshop chock full of stuff you want to know.  Some participants have been coming for years.  And, lest you think this sounds like summer camp – it is!  But with a delightful twist and students – kids and adults – really enjoy the week.

Of course, perhaps the most important thing to know is who will be teaching – and this year has an outstanding line up (again!). Sue Richards organizes and is the coordinating teacher (, Gillian Fleetwood is coming from Scotland for a second year! (,Seumas Gagne returns after a few years away doing amazing things! (, and me! I am delighted to be teaching at OSAS again this year and to be working with such exceptional people! I keep pinching myself over my good fortune.

The 40th Ohio Scottish Arts School will be held June 23-29, 2018 – don’t miss it! For more information and to register go to See you there?

* except for the occasional comment, all this information (including the photos) is unceremoniously lifted from the OSAS website