Southern Maryland Celtic Festival Harp Competition – this weekend!

Come join us at the Southern Maryland Celtic Festival Saturday, 25th April. Rain or shine, we’ll be in the Breckenridge building (that’s right – no tent or lean-to for us – we’re in a real building with walls and ceilings!)

Our judge this year is the fabulous Sharon Knowles, a Scottish Harp Society of America Distinguished Judge – we are so fortunate to have her! Sharon will also be teaching a workshop – so even if you’re not inclined to compete, bring your harp along anyway and learn a new tune. In addition, we’ll have a Harp Circle so please join us for that as well. And if you’ve got your harp there anyway, you could also stay for the Ceilidh at the end of the day!

Picture1Remember if you are planning to compete, buy a Harp Competition ticket. You can get there either by going to the Harp page of the Celtic Society of Southern Maryland (CSSM) website  ( or from the general ticket page ( and be certain to click on the Harp Competition button). If you have fans (friends, family) coming they can buy regular tickets

And if you’re coming with your harp but not competing, buy a regular ticket (there is no price difference). If you’re not sure, buy a competition entry ticket and we’ll sort it out on the day.

Arrival registration will start at 0930 and the competition will begin at 1000.

Don’t forget you’ll need to download, complete, and bring the signed Hold Harmless as well. Once at the competition, we’ll assure that your SHSA membership is up to date (remember that it will be $18 for the calendar year, check payable to SHSA is a great idea!). Rules state that the first to register is last to play in each category, so get online and get registered!

Weather is predicted to be fine and cool – if you have questions, you know how to get ahold of me – just ask! I’ll look forward to seeing you there!