Off to Ohio

Is not a tune title (although it could be!).

I’m so excited to be leaving for Ohio soon.  I’ll be teaching at the Ohio Scottish Arts School! An entire week of tunestunestunes and funfunfun!  I have some cool tunes, some new lesson items, and a crazy idea that just might work (a la McGiver).

Loads of excellent people, wonderful music, and lots of learning – can’t wait!  Oh, and snacks 🙂

And before that, the US National Scottish Harp ChampionshipTM.  It’s going to be a jam-packed week!

And a long drive – what a great time for a variety of types of practicing.  There’s listening to music, rehearsing in my head, “tapping out” the melody against the steering wheel, and my favorite – listening to something completely different looking for new ideas for arranging.

How do you use your car time? Let me know in the comments.

Next week – scenes from OSAS!

4 thoughts on “Off to Ohio

  1. Car time – For long drives, I have a flash drive with about 50 CDs on it. My husband put it together for me, so he just grabbed CDs off the shelf (not always what I would have chosen, but a great selection). Harp, fiddle, lute, bagpipes, vocals. I plug it in and I don’t need to swap out CDs or mess with finding radio stations.

    • That’s a good idea – and sometimes having someone else select means you listen to things you forgot about or would have saved for later!

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