Now go outside and play – No excuses

OSAS is finished – but boy oh boy was it a blast!  We had a great group of harpers who were wonderful.  They learned so much, including loads of harp music and how to zoom for hours on end.  And we met new people and saw old friends.  We had students from all over including Ohio and Maine and Oregon and Virginia and Maryland and Washington and Michigan and Italy!!  We expended loads of energy together and I can’t wait until the next time!  We have to wait a whole year.

OSAS Harp ZoomAnd after a week of sitting on my bench, in an artificially lighted, air conditioned studio (to make our zoom meetings work), I almost forgot that it’s summer.   

But it is definitely summer.  So why not go outside and play?

While we all continue to limit going out and we all keep working on our social distancing, we could have an opportunity to bring a little of the enjoyment of being with other people into our lives.

Go outside and play! 

Go outside and playPlay for your neighbors and just connect in that way music does.  But also – remember that you play the harp and you will make more than music – you’ll be making HARP music.  And your neighbors will come out to be connected and to hear your beautiful music.

I hear some of you – you already have excuses.  Just stop. 

  • You don’t have a huge repertoire yet? That’s ok, you don’t have to play long sets.
  • You don’t have time?  That’s ok, you don’t have to play every day.
  • You don’t have any neighbors?  That’s ok, you can go to a park or your local library or your grocery store.
  • You’re not good enough? That’s ok, please be convinced that people will be grateful for your gift, no matter how polished or rough. (And I really wish you’d believe me that most audience members are in awe of you!  They can’t do what you’re doing…and they know it).

I have been playing for my neighbors once a week (almost every week – I’ve missed a couple) since the lockdown began. I made it easy for everyone – I only play for about 30 minutes, so it’s not a long commitment for them (as listeners) or me (as a performer).  I mostly play what I know – whatever comes to mind.  Sometimes I add in something I’m working on (bonus – I get a low stress environment to find if it’s ready).

And I’ve been delighted by a couple of things.  First – they came!  I really wondered if anyone would be bothered to come out at all (remember there’s a plague upon the earth?).  Second – they’ve kept coming!  Not all of them every time, but there has been a consistent audience and I’m happy to have them.  Third – I have gotten some incredible and gracious emails from my neighbors which is flattering, but more importantly, it’s gratifying. 

So, go outside and play. Lift your bushel basket and stop hiding under it.  Share your gift.  Be like the summer flowers – out there where everyone can enjoy.   But don’t delay – summer doesn’t last that long!  What will you do with your summer?  Let me know in the chat!


One thought on “Now go outside and play – No excuses

  1. our harp circle will try meeting outside on sunday- unfortunately, the weather looks to be wet…..

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