Memorial Day

This week we celebrate Memorial Day in the US.  Celebrate is a funny word to choose since Memorial Day is about honoring those who have died defending our nation and way of life in all the wars and conflicts to date.  But celebrating is probably the right thing to do – those people didn’t give their lives so the rest of us could stand around being morose but rather so that we could continue enjoying the life we’re so very privileged to live. 

Memorial Day

I hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day.  Enjoy your events.  Play your harp with glee and maybe note that the strings are Red, White, and Blue.  And spare a moment to think of those who came before to make all this possible.

Later this week I’ll be heading to Scotland for this year’s Harp the Highlands and Islands trip – finally!  After two years of planning and replanning and postponing and waiting, we’re finally getting to go.  I’ll be posting about that next.  So excited to going – watch this space!

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