Let’s go to Edinboro!

Nope, I didn’t spell that wrong – I mean Edinboro….  Pennsylvania….  USA. 
It isn’t often that you can get in on the ground floor of anything – but this year you can be at the inaugural Edinboro Highland Games Harp Competition! 

You know that I’m big on competitions – but I’m even more enthusiastic about launching a brand new competition! This event will be held 8 September.  Begin your competition weekend with some motivation – attend Kim Robertson’s concert at Cole Auditorium, 7:00PM. 


And on Saturday, it will be a full day of harping at the Pogue Student Center! I am delighted to have been asked to MC the competition. 
8:00AM Register for FREE workshops; Enter Harp Competition ~ $25 per entry

9:00AM Workshop: Healthways for Harpers (FREE)
10:30AM Workshop: Tricks of the Trade (FREE)
11:00AM Harp Competition Entry ENDS
11:30AM Lobby Harper rotation begins (FREE)
12:00PM Games Opening Ceremony on the Lawns (FREE)
1:30PM Harp Competition begins; JUDGE ~ KIM ROBERTSON
3:30PM Competition Awards Presentations
3:45PM Harp Circle (FREE)
And, LEWIS CREEK HARPS will be there.  And, Kim Robertson will have CD’s for sale all day.

Rules and entry information is available at http://www.edinboro.edu/events/highlandgames/harp.dot
Harp Competition Entry Fee: $25 at the door

I hope I’ll see you there!