Inspiration in the form of happy exhaustion!

So, I’m back from Oberlin, stuffed full of great tunes from the Ohio Scottish Arts School.  Its always a rugged treat to go there in the summer.  Rugged because having that much fun is hard work – but I’m up for the challenge!  In addition, its just worth looking forward to – old friends, new friends, seeing each other develop and grow as musicians.  And the excellent teachers – role models all!  I hope you’ll consider participating next year – the diverse playing levels and styles, the brilliant faculty, the environment – all contribute to an excellent learning experience whether you’ve been playing for a year (like the first time I went) or for 30 years (like some of the participants) you’ll have a wonderful time and learn more than you knew needed learning!

Colloden Battlefield – can you imagine how  powerful it would be to sit here and play??
But now I ‘m home, head full of tunes, lots of good tunage – can’t wait to share!  And better still, its crunch time – I’m really excited to be heading to Scotland in the not too distant future!  I have all kinds of tunes to share there – old ones, new ones, some with simple arrangements, some with arrangements that are a little challenging – and all that will stick in our travelers’ heads because they’ll be forever tied to our incredible tour and the places we’re going. 
I’m also excited that we’ll have great things to share here.  I’m sorry you couldn’t all go with us – hopefully as we share our journey here, you’ll be envious enough that you’ll join us next year!  Keep watching this space!  And drop me a note when you get a chance.