February – Guest month – Sue RIchards

I recently had an opportunity to be chatting with the fantastic Sue Richards over lunch She is what I call a Harp Hero. She attained this status over time by being not only a sensational performer but also a sensitive teacher, a good coach, and a lovely friend. I have had the privilege to learn a lot from her – some of it related to playing the harp! Picture1

She graciously wrote up some ideas for me to share with you and we’ll do that over February. Why February? Well, I find this is one of the most challenging times of the year – we have turned the corner in winter and the days are detectably longer, but the weather is not overly nice and it still feels as though we will never get out of the darkness. There are not as many weddings or parties so gigs may take a hit, the rush of Christmas is over. This time of year can be a real motivational nadir. But if you’re not practicing now, you will be behind when wedding, competition, and summer camps seasons get into full swing.

But this time of year is a great time to focus and to hone your practice skills – for all the same reasons – Christmas is over so it’s time to learn some new music, the days are short so there’s plenty of time to practice with fewer outside distractions, and those weddings aren’t going to play themselves so you need to be ready to book the gig with confidence.

Over this month, I’ll share with you some of the great insights I have received from the amazing Sue! I hope they will inspire, encourage, and enlighten you as they have me. And you’ll learn about practicing in a whole new light! She’s given us some great thoughts on practicing smart and I’m looking forward to sharing them with you!