Are you out there?

I’d like to take a moment to thank you for reading and following my blog. I hope you’ve gotten something for your efforts! I enjoy sharing what I know (or sometimes don’t know) with you. And I look forward to your questions and comments as well.

But sometimes, you’re very quiet and I then I feel fairly lonely. So I ask you to let me know –

Which posts of you enjoyed the most?

Which posts have you enjoyed the least?

What would you like to know more about?

What topics you are interested in seeing?

What content you are interested in?

What other blogs do you read?

Do you check in, or are you a subscriber?

Other comments or questions you might have?
Please leave a comment below.  I look forward to your feedback, and working with your suggestions. Thanks for being a great community!

4 thoughts on “Are you out there?

  1. Jen, I faithfully sit at my computer in the wee hours of Wednesdays to read what helpful tips and insights that you are sharing that week.
    Past blogs have been very helpful. My personal bogeyman is playing in front of people, especially on a stage, as you well know. Any tips on dealing with this would be helpful.

  2. Hi Kathy – thanks for the feedback! I’m delighted that you share (even more than you do with the events!) and that your students are getting good information. And I really appreciate you posting the blog to your facebook pages!

  3. Jen: I enjoy reading your blog and sometimes forward on your missives to some of my students. You may not have noticed, but I frequently post some of your blogs on the Somerset and Harpers Escape facebook pages too. KathyD

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