Gift Guide for 2024

Gift Guide for 2024

It’s gift giving time. That glorious time of year when the days are short, time is shorter, tempers might be shortest of all. And it’s not like it doesn’t come along every year at the same time. No matter which winter holidays you celebrate, there’s gifting involved. And where there’s gifting, there’s stress over what to give and whether it will be the best gift given.

Well, I have a shortcut for you! People love handmade presents. And there’s nothing like the present. And when you present someone with their gift that you have made especially for them, while you might have trepidation, they are just too busy being delighted to notice.

What better handmade present than to share your music? There really isn’t one. Your recipient instinctively knows that there’s a little part of you in the music. They know you had to work hard to bring their gift into the world. They know how precious that time is – because the music is ephemeral. And they can carry it with them for the rest of their life because while it is ephemeral it is also permanent as a memory. They might be extra happy that they don’t have to find a place to put your gift (or dust it) because it will be stored in their heart/brain.

You might not have thought making music for someone is a gift, but it is. You need to value it as such. And I don’t just mean for kids to give their parents – although I have found that this motivation helps my kid students focus on learning their Christmas tunes. And I have to give a special thanks to my parents who taught me at a young age that playing for someone is a good present (although I never really believed them – until I started teaching).

Because you want each gift to “fit” you can choose from many options:

If you have a fan(s) – you can play a concert! (not kidding). Play all the tunes they love – a curated playlist just for them.

If you have a supporter – you can compose a tune for them (or an improvisation – you know a composition that you don’t bother to write out fully). Play it one off (with a heartfelt, “I made this for you!”) or make it part of the concert you give them.

You can make them a recording to take with them. Good quality recording is available easily now so you can probably make a solid attempt with your phone and a quiet room. If you really want to make yourself crazy, you can use a free editor to put the whole thing together.

  • Really a glutton for punishment? You could use that recording to make a video with pictures and snippet videos embedded with the music. Use graphics that share your thoughts and feelings about the music (e.g., you could find some video of eagles on the wing to pair with a soaring melody or a photo of a fire for a cozy tune).

If you’re crafty, you could go in other directions and still reflect your music.

You might have an admirer who listens to you practice all the time. This might make you feel like a performance isn’t a good fit. How about decorating a score and framing it? Use the dots from one of their favorite tunes. This can be plain with just the score in a frame, or you can literally decorate it by making a picture from the shape of the melody. Or you can draw and paint on the score as a canvas. There are so many possibilities!

You could knit a scarf that represents the music of their favorite tune. I thought of this when I watched my friend make a “sky scarf” that reflected how sunny, cloudy, rainy, or snowy the day had been. No reason you couldn’t also knit the “story” of your music! Chose the colors that you “hear” to reflect the mood of the tune and (if you’re a better knitter than I) even change stitches to reflect the shape of the melody.

How about a bake that incorporates the tune? Shortbread would go with absolutely any Scottish tune. Soda bread for your Irish? Cream horns to play hornpipes? Sacher torte for your favorite Viennese waltz? You get the idea. You can have a tea party or refreshments for your concert.

That’s just a few ideas to help move your holiday gifting along. I know you have other, better ideas. Let me know what you’ve made or are planning to make to share your love with your giftees – leave me a comment (you know the drill).